Be a suspended process of casting a spell; ephemeral branches of a tree without starts or ends, only growth.
Summoning was a living sound sculpture lasting a full day held at The Middle Floor above Wharf Chambers. Set in a dream-like haze of lockdown confinement and magic, audience members were invited to take a glimpse into the casting of a spell that imagines new ways of being. Ideas are played with and may even momentarily settle, but are soon overcome by the becoming of a form that does not limit itself by genre or style.
Performed by Unfolding[s]: Ed Cooper, Joe Connolly, Kate Ledger, Jenni Hogan, Shelley Robinson, Gabriel Jones, and Cat McEvoy.
Summoning was kindly supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, through the White Rose College of Arts and Humanities.
Pictures by Daniel Johnson. Poster and graphic design by Flo Rivington and Ed Cooper.