'But when you see the sacred fire without form,
Shining skittishly throughout the depths of the Cosmos,
Listen to the voice of the fire.'
— Hekate, Chaldean Oracles, fragment 148
HEKATE’S VOICES is the latest fruit of the collaborative partnership between composer Ed Cooper and pianist Kate Ledger. Sitting between ambient and experimental genres, this work is a meditation on transience and intimacy. The 40-minute piece uses witchcraft as its inspiration, attempting to conjure the powerful but ever elusive Hekate between its materials: recordings of Mother Shipton’s Cave and Pendle Hill, multi-tracked piano, distant vocals, and unexpected heartbeats. These materials often hover around and within each other, collapsing as they come into focus, as if the piece is a mediator between internal and external realities. Contorted, bittersweet expression is entangled with emotional blankness, making the two indistinct from each other. HEKATE’S VOICES is an exercise in deceptive catoptromancy and acceptance.
The piece will be released through Sawyer Spaces in 2025.
Video and photos by Daniel Johnson of an event held at Left Bank, Leeds, on 28 November 2023. A 7.1 surround mix of HEKATE’S VOICES was preceded by a witch’s blessing and opening ceremony lead by Katharine Lucy Haworth.