Experiencing Time/Timing Experience (2019) is an interactive sound installation that explores our perception of time. It consists of two rooms: room one contains microphones and live-electronics and room two contains loudspeakers connected to the equipment in room one. These spaces have dimmed lighting to enhance the immersive nature of work. Interpreters (audience members are active participants in the installation) are given a simple set of instructions. They slowly and consistently navigate the zones in a near meditative state. Interpreter’s sonic awareness is intended to be in constant flux: trying to focus on their present actions whilst making sense of past sounds, similar to, but not the same as those in the moment. This is intended to play on the temporal experience of ‘doing’ and ‘listening’.

Improvisers were invited into the installation to utilise the live-electronics. Recordings of these performances are linked below.

Funded by the Berkofsky Arts Award.

Photography by Ben Hutchinson.

A collection of improvisations from the sound installation 'Experiencing Time/Timing Experience'.