Bringing together Deep Listening, Feldenkrais and yoga practices, Bodies In-Between is a listening workshop devised with Kate Ledger. Specifically, and perhaps unlike similar meditative activities, attention is brought to transitions both within the body and between it and the environment, such that an instability of focus, or even lack of clarity, is accepted and encouraged.

Bodies In-Between is a tool for learning more about perceptual and bodily liminalities, and how these play out in communal situations. Each of the six exercises use listening to inspect the boundaries of bodies, both in an external sense (as in, literally where your body is in relation to the environment) and internal sense with regard to aural attention. There is balance between participation and passivity—listening and hearing— such that we encourage perspectives to alter, both within and outside of the body, to see how this affects listening. There isn’t a wrong or right way to engage with these exercises: Kate and I can only suggest and invite you to think through sound as we have and, we would imagine as it certainly is for us, that these might not be easy or clear.

Kate and I led Bodies In-Between as part of amexperimental attic #6 at Dai Hall, Huddersfield. Daniel Johnson Gray made a film of its images, sounds and interview snippets.

Parts of the workshop were used in a performance installation devised with Neil Luck which concluded this residency.